Databases and other Main Resources


  • European Works Council database

The ETUI European Works Council database (EWCdb) contains the texts of agreements that have es European Works Councils, as well as agreements negotiated by European Works Councils on specific topics. It also presents information on multinational companies that have established a European Works Council. The database has been widely used as a reference source by assorted EU and national institutions as well as research and academic centres. The database contains 3,000 documents and more than 1,000 European Works Council agreements in various language versions.

  • European Works Council-related Jurisprudence database

This database is housed within the EWCdb (see above). It comprises court cases, judgements and other materials assembled by labour law experts at KU Leuven, Sara Huybrechts and Professor Frank Hendrickx,. Currently, the database is restricted to internal access only.

  • European Participation Index

The European Participation Index (EPI) assesses the extent of worker participation in different European countries. The EPI is a composite index which summarizes both formal rights and the extent of participation on three levels: in the board, at the establishment level and through collective bargaining. More information.

  • Cross-border Company Mergers Database

(under construction)

  • European Sectoral Social Dialogue Database

The European Sectoral Social Dialogue Database of joint social dialogue documents makes it possible to analyse the sectoral social partners’ ‘output’. It enables comparisons to be drawn between sectors, their levels of activity, the topics addressed, and even the approach to social dialogue developed by the social partners.

ETUI Expert Networks and Work Groups

Further information on the GoodCorp, Transnational Trade Union Rights, and Worker Participation Europe networks can be found in this infographic.

ETUI Centres and Services

The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI, Brussels) was set up to conduct research and provide scientific, educational and technical support to the ETUC and its affiliates and to contribute to the development of Social Europe and social dialogue. Its centres and services include:

Recent ETUI events


ETUI infographics

Other (non-ETUI) centres and services